I confess.. I confess that I am in it just like you, this rat race. It has been 4 years now and I couldn’t escape this rat race neither did I dare to do it. I was moving in circles just like all of us. And then I wake up in the morning realizing what I was doing with my life. Am I going to end my life here in the same way in the same pit? A house half made of mud, a salary that I work a month for but it just takes a week to finish.
I can not even rest on weekends, why is this world only taking things from me? When I can have peace of mind. I am not afraid of changing the status quo now. I have taken my first step, I have left the job and started my whole attention to just myself. As you are here and read this I am trying to change my life, with that of the lives of others. If you understand what I am saying then you can skip ahead to the middle but if you don’t let me tell you what this rat race is.
What is the rat race?
If you read the intro and you are wondering what exactly is this rat race. You might have heard 20 year old crypto influencers tossing this around and telling you only need $27 subscription to escape from this. Simply put it is a frenetic, stressful lifestyle that prioritizes wealth, status and career ambition over personal well-being, relationships and enjoyment. It describes a feeling of constantly running as fast as possible just to stay in the same place, or to keep ahead of others.
You might be asking “But Mahad isn’t this what you are trying to do? How is this any different?”
It is different.. There is a lot of difference. Let me tell you a interesting thing, according to forbes
“ 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck”
This is USA we are talking about, I am not talking about other 3rd world countries. Take a moment and think, All the hard work but for what? Just to make sure you are earning more than Justin or Julia across the table? All the efforts you are doing what will they do? Your boss will make his pocket heavier and heavier while you get pizza party in return for your performance.
I’m sure most of you reading this can relate to the never-ending cycle of the rat race on some level. Waking up each morning and dragging yourself to a job you don’t care about, only to spend your weekends dreading the next Monday. Scrolling through social media and seeing highlights of others tropical vacations while you’re stuck indoors, too exhausted to do anything fun yourself.
Always putting your life on hold, waiting for the next paycheck or promotion that’s going to make everything better. But deep down you know it won’t change anything – you’ll just find another goalpost to chase after. The stress will still be there, and you’ll feel even more trapped than before. There has to be a better way to live.
If you don’t think so then better leave now because from here onwards this part is for like minded people. People who want to change and leave everything behind. Only take a step if you are ready to risk it all otherwise you better go to sleep because you have to wake up at 8.
Signs You May Be Stuck In The Rat Race
Before solving any issue you need to recognize it. And if you are thinking I am not in the rat race just see and think does anyone of these apply to you?
- You feel overwhelmed and anxious most of the time due to work pressures and responsibilities. Even your days off aren’t a break because you’re worrying about what’s to come next week.
- You’re always chasing the next pay rise, promotion or new job title rather than finding fulfillment. If you just had x amount more in your savings or a fancier job title, then you’d finally be happy – but happiness never seems to follow.
- You’re in a job you don’t care about and only do it for the paycheck. You find no passion or interest in your work, but you feel stuck because you tell yourself it’s secure. Where has that security gotten you so far though?
- You live paycheck to paycheck and are stressed about finances. Two weeks into the month and your account is already overdrawn. What kind of life is that?
- You don’t make time for family, friends, hobbies or things you enjoy. There’s no balance – it’s all work and sleep on repeat. Deep down you know this can’t be sustainable.
- You feel trapped and see no way out of your routines.
But I’m here to tell you, there is always a way if you’re willing to think outside the box. Your happiness is worth fighting for. I am not a messiah, neither do I have any course to sell. What I am here for is to keep myself motivated, learn from you and hopefully it works the other way around.
Shifting your mindset
Breaking out of the rat race is as much a mental shift as a practical one. As long as you’re still preoccupied with the same pressures and worries, you’ll constantly feel its draining effects. It’s time to let go of limiting beliefs and change your perspective on what really matters in life.
- Reframe your thinking to focus on quality of life rather than status/wealth. Sure, money and success are nice to have, but they don’t buy fulfillment or happiness. Prioritize your wellbeing, relationships and freedom over any pay grade.
- Prioritize things that fulfill you over chasing money and prestige. What are your real passions – family, hobbies, causes you care about? Direct your energy to these intrinsic motivators rather than empty status symbols.
- Accept that true freedom comes from within, not material possessions. No title or purchase can cure feelings of being trapped or burnt out. But you do have control over your mindset – choose to see your potential rather than limitations.
- Let go of anxiety over “wasting time” and embrace rest/leisure as productive. Burnout often stems from believing relaxation is indulgent. But down time enhances creativity, perspective and performance long term.
- View your time and life as valuable rather than just a resource for your employer. You deserve to invest in yourself too. Make your wellbeing a priority rather than an afterthought. Your worth isn’t defined by productivity for someone else’s goals.
It may take conscious effort to break old patterns, but taking ownership over your mind and days is the first step towards true freedom.
Ways I’m exploring to liberate myself
I’ve shifted my mindset, it’s time to turn thoughts into action. I have started testing many AI Hustles. There are countless paths that lead away from the rat race, but here are a few I’m currently experimenting with:
Chat GPT and AI
I am a Mechatronics Engineer with specialization in AI so this is my first go to method. I’ve been experimenting with building AI-powered tools to help streamline tasks. My goal is to use AI to the fullest intelligently to do tasks that others take hours and even days. WIth that I intend to be the smartest person in that niche. To train myself I have been using Chat GPT and other LLMs to absolute maximum. This is the best point for me to start.
No-code SAAS
For those with strong technical skills, SAAS and AI could be a smart route. Building software and automation solutions to problems provides stable long-term value. Although the solutions are no-code but you still have to know the field and need to have strong technical knowledge to build these.
AI Ecommerce
If you have a knack for spotting trends and leveraging data, AI-powered e-commerce may be your thing. Being able to source products intelligently through automation and deliver optimized customer experiences has huge potential as technologies advance. With AI, distributing goods worldwide can be highly scalable.
Content Creation
If public speaking or entertainment is more your jam, YouTube could be incredibly fulfilling. Those with natural magnetism, great communication skills and a passion for specific niches have found tremendous success sharing knowledge online through videos. With a camera and compelling content, you can attract engaged global communities.
Automated Website
Not everyone enjoys being in front of lenses of course. If written or written expression is where you shine, blogging and tutorials may suit you better. You just need to make a free WordPress Website, Make a blog automate it with Chat GPT and give it a go.
This is not it there are so many paths that you can take. And I am going to share with you many. So if you do not want to miss out on new ones, make sure to subscribe my newsletters. I will send the best methods directly to your inbox This is relatively cheap and high effort method, you need to only spend for hostling which you can get at the best price from Hostinger here!
Real life success stories
Here is a story that you guys most probably know of:
Iman Gadzhi
Iman Gadzhi, Growing up homeless, he experienced true rock bottom – yet refused to let his situation define him.
Instead of pretending all was fine, Iman embraced his reality and began observing how others generated income through raw grit. Washing windows and playing drums for tips, he hustled relentlessly to scrap by.
Nothing was handed to Iman. He had to learn business by living it on the streets. Slowly, his mindset shifted from desperation to one fuelled by passion and purpose. What started as survival tactics evolved into the foundation for his future success.
Through YouTube, Iman now inspires millions with his story of rising from homelessness to CEO. But his message is far deeper than fame or money – it’s one of empowering others to define their own narrative.
No matter the circumstances, Iman proves we all contain the seeds of greatness. Like the rose growing from concrete, human potential can blossom against any odds, so long as we refuse to accept limitations others impose. His journey exemplifies the power we hold to author new chapters whenever we resolve to begin.
Iman’s story particularly resonates because he overcame not just hardship but the mindset that fuels it. By embracing reality fully while retaining faith in his capabilities, a whole new future was forged. That is the beauty and grit that ignites true change.
Let me share another story but before this here is some context. If you go to entrepreneurship groups you will not see many women. That may be a bit disappointing for many women, but especially for my Women audience who want to make money online, Let me share another story. It is story of a black women in america who earned $3 million despite sexual and religious discrimination.
Inayah McMillan
She is proof that success knows no limits or timelines. Dropping out of college at 19 to pursue entrepreneurship full-time, this ambitious female founder generated over $3 million in revenue by age 20.
Starting in cosmetology and AirBnB management, Inayah rapidly scaled through learning, testing ideas and adapting. Her willingness to take calculated risks impressed potential mentors, landing an influential nannying role. But Inayah recognized true wealth came from within – not paychecks or prestige alone.
Partnering with Bryson, Inayah grew 11 rental properties into a multi-million dollar coaching program. Their focus on empowering others with intentionality and positivity mirrored her personal journey. Inayah proved that with vision, work ethic and courage to be yourself, success has no age or gender limits.
Now inspiring families globally, Inayah continues redefining boundaries. Her story shows that wealth begins between our ears – when we let nothing and no one dictate our potential except our own drive to learn, grow and make an impact freely on our terms. By bringing others along, Inayah is living proof that the rise starts from within.
I have said what I wanted to say, everything that was on my mind for lots of days. I am starting today and this is the beginning of my journey. If you have read this I will welcome you to start alongside me but if you saw this and scoffed. Comeback next year at the same time I will show you what success is like. There won’t be just one but many who saw this and are determined to change.
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